Saturday, 26 August 2017

Study of Existentialism

Studying Existentialism in the mode of Flipped Learning activity- 

Video 1-  Many a great thinker and writers such as- Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Heideggar and many more differ in their views but for all of them philosophical thinking and existentialism begin with the subject namely the individual. It could be seen as a triangle with- Individuality, freedom and passion as its three sides. Believing or not believing in God can only be possible when one thinks as an individual.

Video 2-  Our thinking is the base of every situation from where Absurdity started in life. It talks on lack of profound or prolific reason of living & it turns to an individual act may be Suicide. Reference from movie Stay also has such same ideas (An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of art.)

Video 3-   Absurdity is not in man or in the world but it's in both. If there is no human being then there would be no desire and then there would be no satisfaction & ultimately then there would be no philosophical suicide. Before facing problems one should know possible challenge as well as solution instead of facing it without a second thought. Religion believes that there is some reason beyond all but in actual sense there are no such reasons.

Video 4-    Existentialism is a not Nihilism. Dadaism is associated to Nihilism. Dadaism is a quest a change and values. In nihilism there is no meaning or purpose to life. One should create their values rather than following other’s values.

Video 5-    Existentialism is a philosophy which itself is dark or depressed. As we want some pillar to stand stable that’s why people chooses god as the pillar or finding a truth that is truth for us or embracing the absurd we feel relief by choosing any pillar. But what existentialism says here is that you have to be creator or developer or destroyer of your life. You have to live stable without any supporting pillars from outside. The only supporting pillar you can use it is you and yourself because everything which we seek outside comes from our inner self. 

Video 6-   Existentialism is opposed to Nihilism because Nietzsche believes that Nihilism comes after existentialist thinking. As per my understanding Nihilism shows us that everything is meaningless in the world and we are tempted by an objective scheme of things. And on the other hand existentialist thinker believes that there is no single meaning but we create our personal meaning for life. So in that point Nietzsche disagree with Nihilism because it ties our thinking ability and existentialism gives us more to look insight and judge critically. 

Video 7-   Existentialism shared a common concern that we can say it as human condition. Throughout our life we are in dilemma between life and purpose of life. We all are roaming throughout the life in search of the series of questions but we never meet with an appropriate answer.

Video 8-   Nietzsche’s gives us an idea of ‘ubermensch’ i.e superman because he believed that there is no God present anywhere. Or ‘God is dead’. So, we are free from the idea of God and we are free to establish our new values. And then the creator will be responsible for whatever he selects for his life so there is no chance to escape from suffering that comes from the values that he chooses for himself.

Video 9-   I like existentialism because it gives way to life as it gives space to the intellectual thinking and the existentialist thinkers are much more straight forward than others. Existentialism accepts one as he or she is.

My favourite video is- Video 2
I liked this video because a person commits suicide when he or she starts thinking and then gets undermined by his own thoughts and when he or she takes a pause while thinking than they discover the absurdity starts dying because they have recognised even instinctively the ridiculous character of that habit.

Flipped learning is a very helpful process to understand. It is so because while doing flipped learning we don’t have to sit in one place and give our ears to the teachers, it is a self-learning easy process. It makes our concept more clear.

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